Access: Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill Law School students and faculty with a personal ID. Campus faculty may also obtain access for themselves and their students by contacting the law library reference desk (919-962-1194).
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Coverage: Varies.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Coverage: 1789-
The North Carolina Court System makes available many forms used in the North Carolina courts, including criminal and civil case forms, juvenile case forms, estate and probate forms, small claims court forms, and many others. Many are available in Spanish, and some in other languages, as well.
Complete index of all forms, updated July-December, 2018
Search by keyword, NCAOC Form Number, or General Statute. Filter by subject and language.
For title word searches use the Title box. For example, to find forms related to child support type the word “support” in the Title box and click Search. Some other typical searches might be "custody" for searches related to child custody forms, and "violence" for forms that deal with domestic violence orders.
Some counties have forms approved specifically for use in the state courts of those counties. Approved forms for some nearby counties include the following:
Wake County courts have a series of form packets intended for people representing themselves in child custody matters before a Family Court judge. The packets, which include instructions for completing the forms, cover the following issues:
Modification of Child Custody or Visitation
Motion for Order to Show Cause
Registration of Foreign Child Custody Order
Expedited Enforcement of Foreign
Child Custody Order
Durham County courts offer a form packet for people representing themselves in divorce proceedings. The webpage also includes information about monthly free workshops to help users fill out the forms.