Defines an additional instruction. See TASMTABS.HTM. .addinstr instr args opcode nbytes rule class shift binor
Advances the instruction pointer a specified number of bytes without assigning values to the skipped over bytes. .block expr
Calculates a checksum from a specified address up to but not including the address of the directive. The checksum is the least significant byte of the sum of all bytes. .chk address
Fills a number of bytes with one value. If the value is ommitted the default value of 255 is used. .fill bytes[,value]
Assembles a block of code if the supplied expression evaluates as non-zero. Otherwise, the block of code following the #ELSE directive (if there is one) is assembled.
#if expression code [#else code] #endif
Assembles a block of code if the supplied macro has been defined. If the macro has not been defined, then the block of code following the #ELSE directive (if there is one) is assembled.
#ifdef macro_name code [#else code] #endif
Exactly the same as #IFDEF, except the block of code is assembled if the supplied macro has not been defined.
#ifndef macro_name code [#else code] #endif
Changes the value of a manifest constant. This directive often results in "label value misaligned" errors. symbol .set expression
Assigns a sequence of bytes values based on an ASCII string. A zero is automatically added to the end. .text "string"
Inserts a word value or series of word values. .word expr[,expr . ] This is part of Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly In 28 Days
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