Post by Jordi » 18 Nov 2021, 12:37
Good morning to all!
I would like to ask you for help with a curious problem that is driving us crazy.
It turns out that in the configuration screen we have indicated that the system send emails to the person who has reported the ticket (new ticket) and to the person who assigns it.
Well, the system sends emails to all the profiles with access level (viewer, informant, updater . ), to all, except the person who has reported it and to whom it has been assigned.
Any idea what is happening?? (MantisBT 2.22.1)
atrol Site Admin Posts: 8441 Joined: 26 Mar 2008, 21:37 Location: GermanyPost by atrol » 18 Nov 2021, 14:35
Setting of $g_email_receive_own (default OFF) might explain at least some part of your issue. .
Post by Jordi » 18 Nov 2021, 15:07
Hi Atrol, thanks for the answer.
I had checked the notify_flags as you said and the special configuration is:
'new' =>
array (
'reporter' => 1,
'handler' => 1,
'monitor' => 1,
'bugnotes' => 1,
'category' => 1,
'threshold_max' => 0,
So, for the new issues the reporter should receive an email. it looks like OK.
bmason Posts: 14 Joined: 29 Aug 2019, 19:56Post by bmason » 25 Mar 2022, 22:12
Here's something I figured out that may help others --
I was struggling with trying to understand why notifications were not going out for new bugs based on access levels, even though I thought I had set up the Email Notifications settings correctly in the Configuration interface. I tried adding the $g_notify_flags settings to our config_inc.php, but that did not seem to help.
We had renamed the 'new' status to 'in_review'. On the Email Notifications screen we could set email notifications for status changes to 'in_review', but that did not trigger any emails based on access level. (Perhaps the status change setting only works when a bug is returned back to this status?)
While testing versions 2.22.2 and 2.25.2 , I noticed that the Email Notifications screen in Configuration has no row for "Email on New". When you configure email notifications on the Email Notifications configuration page, it sets the notify_flags parameter in the Configuration Report. I viewed the notify_flags value in the Configuration Report and noticed there was no setting for 'new'. I created a setting for 'new' inside the Edit Configuration Option screen by copying and editing an existing email setting - and notification emails for new bugs based on access levels started to work.