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See warning notice on lens below photo
I just wanted to point out that not all Mamiya M42 lenses are safe to use with the P adapter for the Auto-XTL. If you attempt to use the SX type lenses with the Auto-XTL P adapter, the aperture sensing pin will dig into the P adapter face since it is not perfectly flush with the outer surface edge of the SX lense.
Furthermore, since the entire moving surface of the aperture ring of the SX lense comes to rest against the P adapter face, it will lock down the aperture control of the lense and make it impossible to turn, therefore preventing SX lens f-stop manipulation. Mamiya M42 AUTO lenses seem to be safe choices as are M42 Yashica-Yashinon, M42 Meyer-Optik and M42 Zeiss MC Sonnar (S) lenses. Any aperture ring that rotates at the extremity of a lens should be avoided.